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Numerical Sociology and Aristotle's Theory of Correspondence

The Everything is random, following the theory of probability, including social life. Reminiscent of Aristotle's theory of correspondence; higher principles reflected in lower mundane phenomena.

Posted by Karl M ("Call-Me-Klitser-Not-Marx") on March 21, 2001.

In Reply to: Social lottery or numerical sociology posted by Ion Saliu (Parpaluck) on March 11, 2001.


Just an observation: The passage below is somewhat reminiscent of Aristotle's theory of correspondence. That is, higher principles reflected in lower mundane phenomena. His was a literal metaphysical view to be sure, but nonetheless it is interesting to note how your observation is true re. How the realms of pseudo randomness and sociology seem to have such similarities regardless of whether or not Aristotle was either literally correct or merely figuratively correct.


: : • This came to me while analyzing the pairing frequency in a lotto 6/69 game. The frequencies show undeniable inequalities. Not all pairs have the same effect within a range of drawings. I made an analogy with the society. Not all individuals have the same impact on change. The determining factor is the pairing with a mixture of good qualities and bad qualities. I won't define now the good qualities and the bad qualities. There is a lot of common ground in defining human qualities. Regardless of geography, ideology, religion, etc. we can define a common axiological group of human qualities. The point I want to make here is that the individuals paired with good qualities do have an impact on social change. The individuals who pair with bad qualities have significantly less effect in bringing about change. I put it also in a personal perspective, thinking of the visitors to my website and their impact.

: The top 10% of the individuals paired with good qualities has a 25% effect on social change.
: The bottom 10% of the individuals (at the other end of the spectrum: those paired with bad qualities) makes no contribution to human evolution. Despite their aggressive and noisy behavior, they are as passive as inert parasites.
: The top 25% of the group with good qualities can contribute as much as 50% of social progress. The opposite 25% group just contributes 5% of the unstoppable social change.
: The top 50% of the group with good qualities can contribute as much as 75% of social progress. The opposite 50% group just contributes 25% of the unstoppable social change.
: The top 75% of the group with good qualities can contribute as much as 95% of social progress. This is the good news. The vast majority in any human society always is headed in the right direction and makes a significant contribution to human progress. :

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Read on Aristotle's theory of correspondence -- higher principles reflected in mundane phenomena.

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Social lottery or numerical sociology, Aristotle's correspondence.