Terms of Service: One-Time Payment to Download
The Best Software for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Gambling, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators
By Ion Saliu, Founder of: Lotto Mathematics, Lottery Programming Science, Gambling Mathematics
I. Why Paid Membership: Effort and Reward
All pages, theories, formulas, systems — even software tutorials — at this Web site are absolutely free to read, study, save, etc. Moreover, the software is always free to run, with no limited runs. There is only one condition: Downloading the software requires fee-based membership. It is not a contradiction in terms. The software you download is fully working, and free to run for an unlimited time, with no strings attached. The software is not crippled in any way whatsoever, nor does it have annoying screens asking you for your money, or more money, or renewals, etc.
- Consider the other offerings: Most lottery or gambling software packages are, in general, very expensive. How about $200 for a lotto program that simply divides the lotto numbers in odd or even, low or high? The best software of that kind is right here — but it only costs you a dime per program! You put together all gambling and lottery software titles out there – they offer just about 5% of the features in iParpaluck's software. You only get from others cumbersome frequency stats and a few prepackaged lottery wheels! Not to mention that only my software covers properly lotto games such as Powerball, Mega Millions, and Euromillions.
- Consider this. There are software titles available only at this website. You would not find similar software anywhere else in the world, regardless how much you would be willing to pay. I have written totally unique programs in the field of probability theory, statistics, combinatorics and lexicographical order, gambling mathematics... and much more...
- How about paying for yearly subscriptions to Web sites or forums just for getting lottery results (otherwise free all over the Internet)?! Don't get fooled again!
Axiomatic one, I wrote this introductory chapter because of the... past! I was one of the very first authors to offer totally free software to serve real-life purposes, such as winning the lottery, casino gambling, and also answer important scientific tasks. Many users during the pioneer years of the Internet became used to my free offerings. It shouldn't be felt as disappointment now that I decided to require mutually beneficial fees. The fees are definitely the lowest anywhere... never mind my latest software is undoubtedly of the highest quality.
II. Products, Services, Types of Membership
Following is the list of the products and services available at this Web site. The subscriptions are based on the one-time payment model: No renewal required.
- The visitor can order one or more products and pay online via PayPal.
- Please be mindful that the fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. Software download and usage are prone to piracy.
- The overwhelming majority of visitors are honest. They register because they want to download AND run the software, as it is the only offering with mathematically real chances to win. Everything is based on mathematical formulas, including taking into consideration losing streaks — the overall result is still winning.
- There are hundreds of screenshots on dozens of pages on my website. You can learn how my software works before deciding to pay a reasonable fee.
- Everybody reading this can even download absolutely freely some of my software programs and use them for free, forever.
1. Permanent Membership to Download Software
- Fee: US$ 29.99
- This type of membership gives you the right to download software, even source code for selected programs, plus lotto results and statistics for Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
- The registered members of this type of subscription can download a great deal of software, with the exception of the applications covered by the Ultimate Software membership. See screenshot below showing the main apps (there are many!)
- There is a dedicated material describing all software included in the Permanent Membership, plus relevant Web pages (free to access and read):
- BRIGHT Software, Source Code, Lotto Results, Statistics for Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
2. Ultimate Software
- Fee: US$ 29.99
- The Ultimate Software membership requires the Permanent Subscription above — no way around it.
- This type of membership gives you the right to download ALL software, even source code for selected programs, plus lotto results. All future upgrades or updates are absolutely free.
- The new software in the Ultimate packages were highly requested by members of my forums. Just one program, for example, dealing with lottery last digits, just for 5-number lotto games, was desired to be had at 100 US dollars... you do the math(s)...
- There is a dedicated material describing all software included in the Ultimate Membership, plus relevant Web pages:
- ULTIMATE Software for Lotto, Pick 3 4 Lotteries, Horse Racing.
3. PDFBook 2012 — Probability Theory, Live! PDF eBook Edition
- Fee: US$ 9.95
- There are a few issues with the electronic version (the eBook). I've seen it in several formats. The formulas are distorted. It is very hard to read the formulas or equations. The eBook format in general is still primitive when it comes to scientific writing.
- Moreover, I activated all bookmarks and links. Navigation is a lot easier by clicking on the hyperlinks. You can read the PDF book, while opening Web pages for useful related information.
- I updated also all information regarding calculation of the bust odds in the game of blackjack; pertinent URLs are provided.
- There is a dedicated page describing the book:
- Probability Theory, Live! Book in Bookstores, Online, Amazon.
III. How It Works: Signup, Registration, Access to Restricted Areas
- It works like this in the majority of cases. You want to download one of those great software titles you came across at this site. You click on the download link. The Login page will pop up. A member in good standing enters his/her login information: Username and password. The downloading process starts immediately.
- If the visitor is not a registered member, the login form has a Register field. Clicking on the registration button will take you to the Signup page. The registration form shows the types of membership and fees, first name and last name, user name, password, email, and form of payment. Please be as careful as you can with username, password and email. I always use a password manager (LastPass) with my login information all over the Internet.
- The only type of payment accepted at this time is via PayPal. Other forms of payment such as by check or money order will delay membership approval (due to mailing time, bank clearing, etc.)
- The easiest and fastest way to register is if you have a PayPal account. If you don't have a PayPal account and don't want one, you can pay at PayPal with a credit card. They accept many credit cards and the online processing is very secure. The membership service at my Web site is available all over the world, not only to residents of the United States.
- The PayPal service validates your payment, if it is valid. Payments at PayPal via eCash or other financial methods may require 3-4 business days to process (including bank clearing). Please be patient. Do not apply for a subscription more than once. Wait for the membership system to email you when your eCash payment was finalized by PayPal.
- PayPal informs you and my membership facility immediately and automatically via email.
- A valid payment approves your membership immediately. You will receive a Thank You email with useful links, including to to your Membership domain.
- You might want to save your Membership Web page in a special folder in your browser's Favorites (e.g. SaliuSoftware). And, again, please use a password manager for saving and editing your login — a vital necessity in today's Cyber World.
- The membership page shows a member's paid subscriptions and links to the corresponding protected areas (under Your Subscriptions section).
- You should always go first to your membership page. Next, go to the protected areas from where you can download all software available to your subscription(s).
- I am not a fan of the cache feature the browsers enable by default. I always press CTRL+F5 to truly refresh a Web page and get the latest data. Additionally, I avoid potential error messages.
- The Active Resources section lists the clickable links to your subscriptions. The first Permanent Membership link leads to the downloadable software; the second one leads to the source code of some programs written by yours truly.
- Your subscription links send you to dedicated pages where further information is provided in the section Special Instructions: Download, Install, Run Software.
- Only members with Permanent Membership may order the Ultimate Software subscription. If desired, click on the Signup Form in the header.
- At the end of every resource section, you'll find the Back to your member page link.
- The next section lists all clickable links to download your software as in this partial screenshot of the Permanent Membership gateway:
- Right-click on a link that reads "right-click to download". No offence, but there are people who ask: "How do I download the software?"
- For example, in the first link of Permanent Membership — Bright6.exe: The Bright software for lotto-6 or 6-number jackpot games (e.g. from 1 2 3 4 5 6 to 44 45 46 47 48 49) — right-click here to download BRIGHT6.exe.
- Repeat for all download links.
- Be sure to download everything you paid for as soon as you can. Then, be sure to backup frequently. Backups of the lottery data files are of the essence. The best backup software in the world is also free at this website.
- Please be advised that the software you download here is for personal use only — and only immediate household is acceptable as extended pool of users. Commercial use of any of these computer programs is prohibited.
- All programs and software at this site run on PC only (Intel processors + Microsoft OS: Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (including 64-bit for 32-bit software).
- The software will not run on Apple Macintosh, or Linux/Unix, or other platforms. Network security settings could prevent running the software on rare occasions. Run it at home, not at work!
- Also important: the security settings on your system (User Account Control) might be too tight. Simply accept the downloading/running of my software, specifically the exe files. My software has never done harm to any computer system.
- In Control Panel, open Security and Maintenance, then Change User Account Control settings on the left. Level 2 from the top should work well with my software or any exe files you trust. If not, level 3 is guaranteed to work.
- NB - All software and Web pages at this site are in English only. No translation is available.
Buy safely online via PayPal — click Pay Now just to view the Order page of this Web site. You're under no obligation; simply close the window if you are not interested.
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