Pages 151-200 at Website SALIU.COM:
Lottery, Lotto, Casino Gambling, Systems, Strategy, Winning, The Law
By Ion Saliu,
Founder of Gambling Mathematics, Founder of Lottery Mathematics
ToolsLotto5 is a special upgrade to the lottery utility software for
5-number lotto games. The new application adds two functions: Triplets and
quadruples (3- and
De Ion Saliu, Romanian-American Fara-Restrictie. Posted on February 02,
2001. In Reply to: Perechi de numere.
Contact information for Ion Saliu, the author and creator
of the best lotto, lottery software, gambling systems, author of probability
Lottery player thinks the lottery and Powerball are rigged
so that the prize money is distributed evenly in all regions.
Complete updates to several Bright software packages: pick-3, pick-4
lotteries, horse racing, 5-, 6-number jackpot lotto games. Powerful new
programs cover lotto
The Birthday Paradox, in fact the probability of
repetition, can lead to winning systems for lottery, lotto, roulette, and
horse racing. Random elements always repeat.
Read a meaningful book, tutorial to lottery, lotto
software. MDIEditor and Lotto WE is the best software to win the lottery and
lotto games worldwide.
Legal matters, issues of copyright: lotto, lottery,
gambling numbers, combinations, lotto wheels, mathematical relations,
formulae, equations.
Many lottery players aim at geometric or regular patterns
and shapes on the lotto play slips, grids when selecting their lotto numbers.
Archive #8 of the forums analyzes a powerful lotto and lottery strategy, system - The Wonder-Grid, based on lotto
numbers pairing. Test the Holy Grail of lottery strategy, systems.
Lotto software that works with groups of numbers, user created or computer generated. The lotto number groups are odd, even, low,
high, frequency numbers, sums.
Run free lottery software for the 3-digit, 4-digit
lotteries. The pick lottery games draw three or four digits
from 0 to 9 for a total of 1000 or 10000 straight sets.
The roulette number pairing is a casino gambling system based on the mechanical bias of the roulette wheel.
In this thread of lottery software analysis, comparison, review: The Best Lottery Software, Lotto Programs, Lotto
Software, Abbreviated Systems Wheels.
Lottery software for the 5-digit Quinto game, as played in Pennsylvania
Lottery. The lottery game Quinto draws five digits from 0 to 9 for a total of
100000 straight
Apply Markov chains analysis, gambling, theory of games, theory of
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instrument, far more
Get a group of special Euromillions wheels: Balanced and
randomized. The reduced Euromillions lottery systems are
created by free Euromillion lotto wheeling software.
By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery Mathematics. Describes the main pages and links to the best in mathematics of lottery, lotto software, systems,
Gambling is science, mathematics, theory of probability.
Presenting a gambling system based on win-loss streaks WL, limited Martingale
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There are caveats in probability theory: People confuse individual probability for degree of certainty and ignore
number of trials, past events.
Study this intuitive color-coded chart, table to best learn
blackjack basic strategy for double down. The double down
two-cards represent the most advantageous situations for the blackjack player.
BelLotto free software generates lottery, lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions,
Euromillions, ThunderBall combinations inside the Bell or Gauss Curve, around
the FFG median.
A powerful pick-3 lottery strategy devised by DEZ - an expert lottery
player and LotWon lotto software power user.
Draw the Golden Ratio, or Golden Proportion, or Divine
Proportion The Golden Number(s) in Geometrical Representation by Ion Saliu I.
The Mathematics of the Golden Ratio.
Lottery players report fraud and piracy by Steve Player of the lotto
wonder-grid system developed by Ion Saliu, founder of Lottery Strategy
The casinos, their agents, and jealous gambling authors such as Norman Wattenberger have adverse, hostile reactions to probability theory applied to
Read the introduction to the greatest philosophical work, an immortal
writing in human history: The Republic by Plato, disciple of Socrates. This is
also the index of The Republic Dialogue.
Enigma typewriters proved that no code is unbreakable. There is a
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Questions regarding useful horseracing information: Tips, books, sites on wagering at the horse tracks.
The lotto numbers can be grouped in decades. A lotto decade can miss
several drawings in a row. Eliminating decades reduces the lotto odds
Like Socrates, all humans experience the Daemonion: a controlling Inner Voice. The Inner Voice makes us believe the world exists because I exist.
Horseracing is a form of gambling ruled by mathematics
(theory of probability). Theory of horse
racing as digit lottery is extensively analyzed here.
Blackjack mathematics, theory of probability, gambling
formula, card sequences applied to counting cards at casino
blackjack expose deception and mythology.
The new powerful roulette software: Bright-R is best software for serious casino roulette players. Run a
collection of programs for winning at the roulette table.
The lotto numbers can be grouped in decades. A lotto draw can miss one,
two, three decades. Eliminating decades reduces the lottery odds
Study this intuitive color-coded table to learn blackjack basic strategy
for split pairs, double down, hit (draw) or stand. All
blackjack actions in one place (a spreadsheet chart in special colors).
An Excel spreadsheet has one workbook consisting of 19 sheets. Each Italian
football (soccer) team in Serie A has one spreadsheet.
Wonder-grid lottery system or magical lotto wheel - there is no better
method of wheeling lotto numbers.
MATHEMATICS OF ION SALIU PARADOX - 2 Soon after I published my glorious page
on theory of probability, the adverse reactions were instantaneous.
See the chart of all sum-totals or sums in the 5 of 75 and 1 of 15 Mega
Millions game and the amount of corresponding 5 of 75 and 1 of 15 Mega
Millions combinations.
Software programs for lotto, lottery to combine strategy files created by MDIEditor, command prompt lottery software. Lotto programs, lottery software work together.
Visit one of the oldest Internet, Web portals: Software, plus random
numbers, combination generator for lotto, lottery, gambling, horse racing.
Links to software
Study and print this intuitive color-coded chart, table to best learn
blackjack basic strategy for split pairs. The pairs are two
like-cards and they are the least frequent in blackjack (under 8%).
The state lottery commissions publish their past winning
numbers, draws, drawings, results on the Internet. Copy and paste the past
winning numbers to update data files.
Download and run free lottery software to verify the lotto wheels for
missing combinations. The user can also generate reduced lotto systems for 5
and 6-number lotto games.
Latest updates to Bright lotto software, lottery software, horse racing
programs. Lottery pairings and LIE elimination, combination reduction,
reversed lotto strategy.
Eliminating 4 or 5 lotto numbers and that is 5 more lotto numbers, so if
you look at last 10 or 12 lottery drawings, now you have 20 lotto numbers to
Casino executives illegally ban, bar skilled players who
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Software to find the lexicographic order, rank, index, numeral of permutations, combinations. This is about mathematics of lexicographical, lexicographic order.