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LIE Elimination: Lottery, Lotto Strategy in Reverse for Pairs, Number Frequency

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery Mathematics

Read an introduction to reduction of lotto tickets with reversed lottery strategy on pairs.

I. Introduction to Dedicated LIE Elimination, Reversed Lottery Strategy for Pairs, Number Frequency
II. Software for Lottery Strategy in Reverse Based on Pairs, Number Frequency
III. Reports for Lottery Strategy in Reverse Based on Pairs, Number Frequency
IV. Generate Combinations or Purge Files for Dedicated LIE Elimination Strategies
V. Strategies for Dedicated LIE Elimination on Pairs, Number Frequency
VI. Resources in Lottery Lotto Software, Strategies, Systems

We know that all lottery strategies miss more often than hit winners therefore we eliminate output.

1. Introduction to Dedicated LIE Elimination, Reversed Lottery Strategy for Pairs, Number Frequency

First captured by the WayBack Machine ( on August 6, 2015.

  • The ultimate lotto, lottery, horse racing software for applying Reversed Lottery Strategy for Pairs, Number Frequencies:
  • Version 7.1 added the inner LIE strategy filtering as in the mainstream LotWon software; improvements in functionality.

  • Please be advised that these programs, released in 2015, require a special form of membership to download software: Ultimate Lottery Software. Click on the top banner to learn the terms, conditions, and availability. All my software is always announced in the Forums, New Writings, Software Downloads. The presentation pages are always published first. Such Web resources are free to read and help the reader make a decision regarding the licensing of software.
  • The program for LIE Elimination: Lottery, Lotto Strategy in Reverse Based on Pairs, Number Frequency runs from the main menu of the respective Ultimate Software package, function D = Dedicated LIE Elimination (LieID).

    Axiomatic one, the reversed lottery strategy also known as LIE elimination was first presented on this Web page: Lotto, Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN. The idea crossed my mind in the 1990s. Then, in the year of grace 2010, a faithful member of my (now closed) forums (see footer) revived the idea. He asked this simple question for a feature in my lottery software:

    I did figure out the answer right then, end of 2010. I programmed a function in my lottery and horse racing software I baptized LIE Elimination. Just read how that feature works on the aforementioned page.

    BrianPA+ and I didn't stop there. We kept looking for more and more features added to the LIE Elimination workhorse. There were open discussions in my (now closed) lottery forum. The WayBack Machine ( "captured" fragments from the original discussions. Programming the software was a work in progress for about three years. The software was not made public: Only BrianPA and I worked with it. BrianPA advised and I agreed that I should never distribute such software. I finalized the LIE Elimination software in the year of grace 2013. It has the LieId radix in the program names.

    Meanwhile, Brian and I had started another type of reversed lotto strategy. The programs in that category have the LieStrings radix in the filenames. That type of LIE Elimination theory and software is presented on the sibling page: LIE Strategy Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips.

    There are significant differences between the two types of lottery strategies in reverse. We discuss here the LIE Elimination lottery strategy based on number pairings and frequencies.

    Users of my lottery software and I noticed that sets of combinations created by top N pairings miss more often than they hit. Thus, create grids for the top N or the bottom N pair ranks and generate combinations to LIE files. We have a high degree of certainty that the combinations in those files will not hit the very next lottery drawings and likely the next few draws. We don't want to play them combosnations as it is wasteful. (I decided to use the term combosnations for lottery combinations that should not be played, that should be eliminated beforehand.)

    The main goal now is to determine the rank N of pairings or number frequencies that leads to LIE file combinations. In other words, I want to determine the N value that would lead me to the wrong strategy. Put it another way: I want to create a wonder grid for the top 10 pairings in the lotto-6 game. I am almost certain that my wonder grid won't hit the very next draw. I generate the combinations and I discover that there was no 6 of 6 winner in the next lottery drawing... sometimes not even a 5 of 6 winner. Thus, it was the right move to eliminate those combosnations. I was right because I intentionally wanted to be wrong — the essence of the LIE Elimination strategy.

    Evidently, the N factor varies from drawing to drawing. We need software to create reports that show the N values for any range of lotto draws. It is a difficult task but I beat the challenge. The reports show what values for N I would choose and be assured I'll be "wrong" — that is, I'll be right as far as the LIE Elimination strategy is concerned. Look at the following example of a 6/49 lotto report:

    Lie lottery strategies are designed for any parpalucks, both for lotto pairs and frequencies.

    I decide to play a lotto strategy based on hot numbers. You see that fixture in many lottery software packages or books, including Gail's. They advise something like this: "Play the top half of the hot lotto numbers." I decide to play the top 30 hot numbers. I would not hit 6 of 6, I would not hit 5 of 6... I wouldn't even hit 4 of 6! Bad for the Gails... but good for my LIE Elimination strategy! I would enable the ID4 in the LIE function of the Bright/Ultimate combinations generators and get a handful of combinations that will win. And I will sing that nice song of Fleetwood Mac:
    "Tell me lies...
    Tell me sweet little lies..."

    The Reports and Strategies sections will provide more in-depth coverage.

    2. Software for Reversed Lottery Strategy Based on Pairs, Number Frequency

    The ultimate lottery software has reverse strategy specialized programs.

  • The following screenshot is the main menu of all programs in this type of lottery strategies in reverse

    The reversed lotto software is based on number frequencies and lottery pairings to win the jackpot.

    This software does something very special. It generates combinations to be played directly, after applying the LIE eliminating automatically. In section 1, the user would select a lotto strategy that would go wrong: Playing the top 30 hot numbers. The combinations would have been saved to a LIE file, eventually fed to the combination generators in Bright. This type of software does all the steps without user's intervention. In addition, the LieId software is amazingly fast — the fastest in my entire lotto software! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to apply the same programming techniques to the rest of my programs.

    As per the example above, I only enter 1 of the many filters named ID in the screen prompt (the entry form). It is named ID4 for HOT6 in this case. In the Report, it appears in the section FREQUENCIES 'ANY POSITION', HOT 6. That is the 1st report and deals with the hot numbers. ID4 eliminates more than half of total 6/49 lotto combinations; ID3 leaves around 2 million combos to play; ID2 = 28 generates some 600000 combinations to play.

    The ID filters in the section of the report named PAIRINGS 'ALL', TOP 6 have even more eliminating power. ID3 for TOP6 = 12 generates some 100000 combinations to play for 6 of 49 lotto.

    If we combine LieID filters from both PAIRINGS and FREQUENCIES AND from both reports, the difference in output reduction is dramatic. ID3 for TOP6, ID3 for TOP62, ID4 for HOT6, ID4 for HOT6 together generate around 30,000 combinations to play. Such strategy has good frequency and the output will be easily Purged further by other functions or other programs in the Ultimate Lottery Software bundles.

    The lotto pairs and hot cold numbers act as filters, restrictions to eliminate bad combinations.

    3. Reports for Lottery Strategy in Reverse Based on Pairs, Number Frequency

  • The function I = Generate LIE ID Reports is mandatory to run first as it creates auxiliary files. If not, the software triggers an error when trying to generate combinations.

    The reverse lotto strategy software generates first comprehensive reports to select filters from.

    The program offers defaults for the ranges of analysis or parpalucks.

    There are special ranges of lottery draws for analyses and report generating.

    Following is a fragment of the report LieID6.4 for Layer 4 of the D6 data file of real lottery drawings and simulated combinations.

    The pairing and frequency parpalucks can be calculated by math.

    The frequency of numbers feature is identified as Hot and Cold — the most commonly used terminology in lottospeak.

    The pairings are identified as TOP and BOTtom to maintain compatibility with previous theories of reversed strategies. In 2010 we applied this type of strategy manually by generating combinations for various ranges of Top pairings or Bottom pairings. It can still be done manually in Super Utilities, the F = Frequency function; the combinations are generated in the M = Make/Break/Position functions. The output files are used as LIE files to feed the combination generators in Ultimate Lottery Software.

    4. Generate Combinations or Purge Files for Dedicated LIE Elimination Strategies

  • The function G = Generate Combinations needs the files created automatically by Reporting. Also, the user will type filter values at the prompt screens; or, input filters from a strategy file (LieID.STR). These are the files generated automatically by the Report module:

    When you see 48 in the ID6 column in the Frequency, Hot section of the reports, it means that one of the 6 lotto numbers in the drawing had a frequency rank of 49. You can generate combinations from the "hottest" 48 numbers in the game and safely eliminate them all via the LIE elimination feature. Just enter ID6 = 48 and the program will generate the right combinations by eliminating 12,271,512 of the 13,983,816 combinations in the 6/49 lotto set. That filter value occurs more often than once ever three drawings.

    The Purge feature is present in just about every piece of software I've created. The function takes a text file of previously generated combinations and purges it; i.e. it removes combinations based on filter settings.

    The output file can be:

    Reverse lie elimination strategy generates lottery combinations to play right away.

    5. Lottery Strategies for LIE Elimination Based on Pairs, Number Frequency

    Again, although this lottery strategy is named LIE Elimination, it generates combinations that do NOT need to be fed to the LIE functions in the traditional generators in the Bright or Ultimate Lottery Software packages. It takes just minutes to run a strategy in this type of software. By contrast, when this software generated Lie files first it took long hours to get the final lotto combinations to be played. It was a real breakthrough in my programming career. But, then again, I haven't been able to apply the same programming algorithms to my entire lottery software.

    There is a very useful function to aid the user in finding strategies: T = SorT Filter Reports by Column. The module will sort the two main reports by any column the player chooses. The columns are sorted in descending order, so that the highest filter values come up at the top.

    The main goal is to find high levels for the respective filter(s). The higher the value of a filter, the more combinations eliminated. All lottery strategies usually start with one filter (column) I name the pivot filter. In this particular example, it is ID5_1 for PAIRINGS ALL (marked in red). We want a strategy to start with that ID5_1 = 25. We then look for other high values in the columns of the same report. We notice that ID6_1 for PAIRINGS 1+5 is at least 28; BOT6_1 = 14 in the same PAIRINGS 1+5 zone; ID6_1 = 31 in the PAIRINGS ALL area; ID6_1 for HOT6 is at least 40; etc.

    We want to see how often a strategy with those parameters hit in the past. We want to see what other reliable filter values we can employ additionally. There is another valuable function that does exactly that: S = Strategy Checking of ID Reports. The useful strategy program compiles a report like this one (only a fragment here):

        Lotto-6 LIE Strategy Report
        Reports checked: LieID6.1, LieID6.2,
                         LieID6.3, LieID6.4
        * Strategy Composition *
     TopId6 '1+4'_1    31
     BotId6 '1+4'_1    16
     TopId2 'ALL'_1     2
     TopId3 'ALL'_1     4
     TopId4 'ALL'_1     8
     TopId5 'ALL'_1    25
     TopId6 'ALL'_1    29
     BotId2 'ALL'_1     0
     BotId3 'ALL'_1     0
     BotId4 'ALL'_1     0
     BotId5 'ALL'_1     0
     BotId6 'ALL'_1     0

    * Frequency of the LIE6 Strategy in 1000 Draws ***

    * HITS: 26

    * Skips: 63 2 11 117 16 43 22 3 18 69 63 17 31 17 146 22 101 25 27 0 64 16 19 8 29 15

    * Sorted Skips: 0 2 3 8 11 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 22 22 25 27 29 31 43 63 63 64 69 101 117 146

    * Median Skip: 22

    We can see high filter values in other columns, including the reports for the other 3 layers. Furthermore, we can correlate this strategy with other types of strategies in those great pieces of software known as Bright and especially Ultimate Lottery Software. The functionality is presented in-depth on this e-book: Cross-Reference Lottery Strategy Files Created by Command Prompt Software and MDIEditor Lotto WE. The function is available from the second menu of the Ultimate Lottery Software integrated software: T = Cross-Checking Strategies.

    The LieID styrategy file is clean and intuitive, with easy to identify place holders. I always take advantage of the great Notepad++ free text editor. I pinned the editor on the taskbar. I open it with the LieID reports. I copy multiple filters from the reports and paste them into the LieID.STR strategy file. At the end of a run, I do not end the LieID software. I go to the Notepad++ text editor and edit the strategy file. It works like a charm — that is, very efficiently!

    6. Resources in Lottery Lotto Software, Strategies, Systems

    The first lotto software to apply reversed lottery strategies with the best chance to win.

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    You read about strategy, lottery, lotto, software, algorithms, number, pairings, pairs, frequency.