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The Holy Grail of lottery number selection: Lotto pairs

The best method of lotto, lottery winning number selection is holy grail.

Lotto pairings are generated by Super Utilities, main menu in Bright software.

Posted by a South African lotto player on August 8, 2001.

• I received the following message from South Africa:

“Okay so it was a cut and paste job (I would love to get hold of the new Util-6, superseded by Super Utilities in Bright lotto software packages) but the effort was worth it. I ran the Util-6 program on our 74 draw lottery in ZAR and got for my 49 lotto lines a hit ratio of 1:10 for the 5/6 prize when I ran these numbers against all past draws!  Over the last forty draws my overall payout ratio of amount wagered versus amount won would have been an incredible 1:9. For 49 lines that is remarkable and, as you mentioned in one of your posts, is serious leverage. Not being content I took each lotto number and wheeled it with its top 8 pairs while banking the individual number in the resultant seven lines for a 5/6 guarantee. The result was lottery 343 combinations that gave a lower return of 1:6 for amount wagered against amount won but included a 5 bonus. For the 343 lines over the last 40 lotto draws, the total amount wagered would have been $4300 against total amount won $29 000. This represents on average a profit of $2470 a month! In ZAR terms that is almost R20 000 tax-free.

Hindsight is perfect 20/20 vision so I reckoned that if such a few lines can give such leverage in such a big lottery how about a lottery with much lower odds? Using best pairs in a 5/15 hourly internet lottery (I used Util-6 to give me the pairs for last 100 draws) I hit the $800 jackpot on Monday 6 August 2001 at 19:30 in my third try playing ONLY the top ten selected numbers with their best 4 pairs! In fact I hit it twice but it was in the same draw.

I have decided to call the best pairs the holy grail of lottery number selection systems (sorry Ion I think it sounds better than lotto wonder-grid) and believe that using it in its different forms it will keep hitting lotteries worldwide.
Ion, you're a genius. Thanks for all the free stuff and good sound advice on playing strategies.


Cape Town, South Africa
p.s. my 343 lines will be doing battle in our local lottery this Saturday…”

•• Indeed, everything requires effort. In case you haven't noticed, there is a new WHEEL-6 available for download. The 32-bit lotto wheeling program packs more power than its predecessor. Meanwhile, I am getting close to offer a new lotto-6 package for sale. Most programs in the new package will be 32-bit. They require huge data files (at least 10,000 drawings!). The new W6 files look like the latest W3 reports. The algorithms have been optimized. They deal devastating punches to the odds. They respond to the new pairing challenge. They allow for eliminating from 30% to 50% of the worst pairings. In the PA's lotto 6/69 game, that translates to eliminating up to 4000 pairs! Sometimes the result is 0 (no combinations). Other times, there is a very limited amount of combinations to play. The probability to hit the jackpot is very good. It is a far cry from '1 in multi-millions'!

The two new filters: FivS and FivR easily eliminate half of all combinations in most cases (possibly 75%). Just by themselves! There is a new built-in filter that, by itself, knocks out another million or two. (No need to set that filter; it always works in the background). A hint: if this is a draw - 10-12-23-24-36-45 - you won't see another one like: 11-13-24-25-37-46, or 9-11-22-23-35-44... I checked thousands of drawings...

Here is how the new W6 reports look like (there are four now):

                   * LOTTO-6 Winning Pattern - Layer 4 *
                   * File: \Lottery\lotto-6\D6

 Line   All  Pot  Two  Three   Sum    Four    FivS    FivR   Bun4  Bun5  Bun6
  no.    4    4    4     4      4      4       4       4      4     4     4 

 Med:  0   23    8     91    112    3009    4468    4468     10    15    41

 Avg:  1   27   10    142    255    2869    4048    4286     14    21    63

 StDv:  2   13   13    142    587    1531    1056     714     15    22    70

   1     1+  18-   8+   420+    72+   4416+   4468    4468      4+    3    54+
   2     0   21-   0-   187+    54-   3340-   4468    4468      0-    3-   29-
   3     0-  57+   4-   146-   330+   4468+   4468    4468     26+   24+   41-
   4     4-  18-  36+   505+    60+   3409-   4468    4468     14+    9+   63-
   5     7+  40+  18+    80+     4-   4468+   4468    4468      9-    6-  213+
   6     2+  22-  13+    39-    41-   2643+   4468    4468     40+    7-   34+
   7     0   39-   8+    45-   451+    688-   4468    4468     12-    8     6-
   8     0   52+   0-   131-    43-   4468+   4468    4468     32+    8-  216+
   9     0-  24+  28+   286+   220+    895-   4468    4468      7-   27+   77+
  10     1-  21-  21+   227+   137-   4468+   4468    4468      8-    5-   13-

Stay tuned...

“In the beginning, The Number was journeying with the gods from light to darkness and from darkness to time. The gods spoke the languages of their own spaces. And the gods could not understand one another. The Number said onto them: 'From this BeginningEnd to the EndBeginning, I shall make you into Laws. And you shall speak to one another and To Me in Equations. And you shall resolve your fights in Formulae. I will be pleased with my work and I will evernever rest.'”
(Tladouque, “Steps to Maya Pyramid”)

Ion Saliu

Read also Cool stories of the Truth.
Read also Best winning lotto 5, lotto 6 software.

Holy Grail of lottery number selectionis represented by lotto pairs.

Resources in Lottery Software, Systems, Lotto Wheeling

A lotto player in South African lotto proposes the term Holy Grail of lottery number selection instead of wonder grid.

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The system based on lotto number pairings is an efficient method for playing the lottery.