Non-programmer participation in lottery programming software
Posted by Karl Malmberg on December 27, 2000.
In Reply to: Legal issues of team programming lottery software, lotto software posted by Ion Saliu on December 26, 2000.
I tell you what. Sometimes like the proverbial alchemist, I am in a good enough mood that I'll freely make clear the purposefully veiled references since someone obviously has to go first. You give the impression of having an honest character, so I'll lay out what I have found empirically, and I'll trust your character to "cut me in" if this information has profit potential. If it's not worthy then let's agree not to make it public anyway, to spare me any embarassment and also because often one learns more from mistakes than from successes! Bear in mind that I am not a programmer, but rather I utilize linear and nonlinear regression/extrapolation software as part of my job/schooling and hobbies. So please keep the techno-jargon to a layman's level.
Best wishes,
Karl (Klitser)
Resources in Lottery Software, Lotto Wheeling
- The Main Lotto, Lottery, Software, Strategy Systems Page.
Presenting software to create free winning lotto, lottery strategies, systems based on mathematics. Get your lotto systems or wheels, the best lottery, lotto software, combinations, winning numbers.
- Lotto, Lottery Software, Excel Spreadsheets: Programming, Strategies.
Read a genuine analysis of Excel spreadsheets applied to lottery and lotto software development, systems, and strategies. Combining Excel analysis with powerful lottery and lotto software programmed by this author, Parpaluck.
- MDIEditor Lotto WE: Tutorial, Software User Guide, Manual, Book, ebook.
~ Also applicable to LotWon lottery, lotto software; plus Powerball/Mega Millions, Euromillions.
- Visual Tutorial, Book, Manual: Lottery Software, Lotto Apps, Programs.
- Skip Systems Software: Lotto, Lottery, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
- Lottery Utility Software: Pick-3, 4 Lottery, Lotto-5, 6, Powerball, Mega Millions, Thunderball, Euromillions.
- Lotto wheels for lottery games drawing 5, 6, or 7 numbers.
The most advanced theory of lotto wheels or reduced lottery systems. Get also original lotto wheels for lotto games drawing 5, 6, or 7 numbers: Balanced, randomized, and free.
- Download lottery software, lotto software.
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