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Roulette System Contribution: Frank Barstow, Beat The Casino, Super Martingale

By Ion Saliu, System Designer By–Design

Roulette gambling system contributed by Frank Barstow, Beat The Casino, Super Martingale?

In Reply to: Frank Barstow's Super Martingale Roulette System posted by Michael Lewis on December 18, 2000.


This is really a nice surprise. Thank you very much, indeed. I do not know who you are. Nor had I ever heard of the author and the book you mentioned: Frank Barstow, Beat The Casino. Things can be the same and very different, at the same time. I don't want to go any deeper into this. Frank Barstow (real name or not) has a good point. Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) provides a better mathematical explanation and foundation than static betting progressions.

My free roulette system (#1) was meant to be taken lightly. I wouldn't play all roulette numbers but the last unique four. I eliminate many more numbers from the last spins in real play.

Probability Theory Live Book is about gambling mathematics, streaks, software. Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Discover profound implications of the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG), including mathematics, probability, formula, gambling, lottery, software, degree of certainty, randomness.

Ion Saliu had no knowledge of the gambling systems by Frank Barstow, Super Martingale, Beat Casino.

Software demonstrates that casino gambling must be founded on streaks, losing and winning.

Ion Saliu and Frank Barstow are different and independent gambling system developers and authors.

Roulette: Software, Systems, Super Strategy

Blackjack: Software, Systems, Best Basic Strategy

Frank Barstow made worthy contributions to roulette betting and gambling systems.


Casino gambling contributions by Frank Barstow.

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Ion doubts there are real similarities in the gambling systems of the two authors.