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Error 62 in lotto strategy-checking software solved, issue fixed

Error in lotto, lottery, strategy checking software.

Posted by Silex on June 30, 2000.

Hi Ion,
FYI, since my last posting I have duplicated the error-62 problem by using your Data-3 and your Sim-3 files (that are part of the Lotwon3 lottery software package that you recently made available) by inserting 998 in your Data-3 file.
Anyways, I now solved the problem by following your latest suggestion to generate another SIM-3 file. I had to "simulate" 8200 lottery drawings to make it work. Thank you for your kind help.

Best regards,


Software Error 62 is related to lottery filter values outside the normal range.

Follow Ups:

Lottery software, programs, lotto software and error 62, programming errors.

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Lottery software, programs, lotto software and error 62, programming errors.


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Generate a new file of simulated random lottery combinations.